Cash Flow Forecasting Template

Looking for a spreadsheet template for your cash flow forecasting? Please download our free cash flow forecasting template for Excel or Google Sheets.

Our template forecasts your future cash flow based on current bank balances, projected revenue, expenses, and investments - including VAT timing. Get a visual view of your future cash flow for your company over the next 12 months.

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cashflow analysis planning forecasting

Integrate your data

Stop manually copying and pasting data from spreadsheets and files. Use your existing data. Integrate your accounting systems and other sources into one single system and create the best cash flow analysis possible.

Move beyond spreadsheets

More than 90% of all companies depend on spreadsheets for analysing their cash flow. With XLReporting this time-consuming and error-prone process is history. Lightning fast calculations are the future of finance.

Improve cash flow analysis

XLReporting consolidates all your data such as sources of income and business expenses from your existing systems. This gives you all the tools you need to analyse cash flow faster and much more reliably.
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