In this article:
Types | Actions | Find | Saved results | Export | Dashboard

Run models

This option enables you to run defined models. After you have a selected a model (and any selection parameters where applicable), you can view the model.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Models can have multiple named sheets. If a model has more than 1 sheet, the sheet names will be shown horizontally, and you can easily switch between them by clicking on the sheet names.

screenshot analyze models

You can also watch the instruction videos.

✭ Tips:

Model types

Models can be defined for 2 different purposes:


When using a model, you can use the Save and Actions buttons in the right-top of the screen:

screenshot analyze models actions

These buttons enable you to do the following:

Using the gridlines option you can switch between showing and hiding visible row and column headers and gridlines between cells.

Find text

By pressing Ctrl+F or selecting Actions - Find text, you can search the contents of the model. As soon as you start typing text, the data will be filtered on any rows that match your search text, and matching rows are clearly marked with a background color.

View saved results

Every time you click the Save button, the entered data will be processed by the model and imported into the defined data sets. You can optionally view the results and control totals of the last save operation:

screenshot analyze models saved results

Export to Excel

All models in XLReporting can be exported to Excel.

Please note that this option is only visible if your user role has Export data permissions.

screenshot export excel

Add to dashboard

A dashboard is a personal page with your own favorite reports and models. You can create multiple dashboards, and each dashboard can contain multiple reports or models (watch the tutorial video).

Click on Actions - Add to dashboard to add this model to either a new dashboard, or to a new dashboard:

screenshot models dashboard

Recommended reading:
Back to top | Define models | Videos

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