In this article:
Left | Center | Right | Tooltips | Browser settings

How to navigate

XLReporting is web-based, and runs in your browser on any desktop, tablet, or mobile. You don't need to download or install anything. You only need an internet connection and a modern web browser with Javascript enabled.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

All pages in XLReporting have the same structure:

screenshot navigation

1 The menu is on the left

The left panel is your main navigation tool, with these main options:

Within each menu option, you will see a list of items (for example, reports) that you can select from.

You can collapse (minimize) the menu by clicking on ☰ XLReporting in the left-top. Clicking again will restore it to the way it was. We have a separate page that explains how to use the menu.

2 The data is in the center

Once you have selected a menu item (for example, a report), it is shown in the center of the page.

You can expand the content area by clicking on ☰ XLReporting in the left-top: this will minimize the menu area and maximize the report area. Clicking again will restore it to the way it was.

XLReporting has various features across all pages, which are useful when working with data.

In the right-top of the screen you'll see some buttons, which enable you to do the following:

Use the tooltips

The top of every window has a i tooltip symbol next to the title, which shows useful instructions when you hover over it. Also, most fields have tooltips which show when you hover over the field.

Recommended reading:
Back to top | Use the menu | General tips | Get started | Browser settings | Best practices | Videos

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