In this article:
Style | Align | Number | Edit | Insert | View


XLReporting has a powerful built-in spreadsheet, fully compatible with Microsoft Excel, in which you can build your models. You will find familiar tasks, such as sheets, columns, rows, cells, styling, functions, and a toolbar. You can create models in the same way you would build spreadsheets, with one major difference: models only contain logic and layout, they do not contain data. The data is retrieved in realtime through queries and functions.

screenshot define models toolbar


This group of buttons enables you to style a cell or cell range:

Please note that not all fonts may exist on every computer or browser. There are significant differences between Windows and Apple with regards to available fonts. This means that a selected font may not exist on your computer in which case your browser will use its default font instead. For a complete overview, see


This group of buttons enables you to align a cell or cell range:


This group of buttons enables you to set the visual format of numbers and dates in a cell or cell range:

Please note that this applies ONLY to cells that contain numbers or dates, and affects only the visual display, not the actual contents of the cell. Numbers, dates, and periods will be displayed as per the user settings set in Manage - Profile.

The masked format will hide sensitive numbers and dates on screen (and thus in prints and PDF exports), and they will only be visible while editing the cell.

In addition to the standard cell formats, you can also define your own custom format:

screenshot define models formats

A custom format may consist of several code sections, separated by semicolons (;). Each code section can include:

[>1000][red];[>100][green]0.0;[blue] "Small"

The code sections of the custom number format are set according to the rules below:

The number format is defined as follows:

0 - the digit placeholder to display insignificant zeros, if a number has fewer digits than there are zeros in the format. For example, to display 4 as 4.0, use the format 0.0.
# - the digit placeholder to display only significant numbers (not to display extra zeros when a number has fewer digits than there are # symbols in the format).
? - works the same as 0 (zero), but adds a space for insignificant zeros on either side of the decimal point so that decimal points are aligned in the column.
You can use the , (comma) and . (period) as placeholders for the thousands and decimal separator. This will be replaced by the user's own personal setting for number format.


This group of buttons enables you to edit a cell or cell range:


You can insert cell objects into a model to create advanced functionality in a model.

You can choose from various types of objects:

Once you click the toolbar icon, a popup window will guide you through the process of defining the object.


This group of buttons enables you to set the format of a cell or cell range:

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