In this article:
Layouts | Types | Zones | Goals | Create

Define report layouts

Layouts are different "views" on your data within the same report. Reports can contain multiple layouts.

Some common examples of layouts are:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Layout types

You can choose from over 30 different layout types. They fall into 6 main categories:


The default layout shows information grouped in sections with subtotals.

screenshot reports standard


This layout shows aggregated multi-dimensional information which you can drill into.

screenshot reports pivot


This layout shows the development of givens item over a period of time, which is useful to understand trends at a high level.

screenshot reports kpi sparklines


This layout includes all common graphs, such as column, bar, line, pie, donut, donut (KPI), area, radar, scatter, geo chart, gauge, bullet, scorecard, and timeline.

screenshot reports chart screenshot reports chart geochart


This layout shows data in a hierarchical structure using nested rectangles with relative sizes. For example, revenue by region can be represented this way.

screenshot reports treemap


This layout shows in a hierarchical structure. For example, salary cost by department or revenue by region can be represented this way.

screenshot reports organogram

Create a layout

Click on Define - Add layout. For each layout, you can enter a name and choose whether or not copy the current layout:

screenshot define reports layouts add

You can edit a report layout by simply dragging fields into the various areas (watch the tutorial video):

screenshot define reports layouts

This window enables you to change the report options and the fields position:

Report options

These are settings that determine the overall appearance of the report layout:

You can choose from over 30 different layout types.

Fields position

You can manually drag-and-drop any of the available fields into any of the report areas, and if you no longer want a field in your report, you can simply drag it out again.

You can also watch the tutorial video.


The chart types gauge, bullet, and scorecard have a different purpose from the other chart types. Instead of showing series of data, their purpose is to show one single data point, relative within a certain scale. For example, actual revenue as a % of budget revenue.

The recommended use is to calculate a percentage value in your report, and show that in these chart types. By default, XLReporting assumes your value fits within a scale from 0% to 199%, using 3 default zones (at 70, 90, and 110) to color the chart:

You can also define your own zones, entering the 3 % treshold values in the Zones field, separated by a comma. For example: "50, 70, 90" sets the zones at 50%, 70%, and 90%.

By default, the colors red, orange, green, and blue assumes that the value is "the higher, the better". For example, this applies to revenue. However, you can also reverse the zones, for expense for example: "the lower, the better". To achieve this, you would enter "110, 90, 70".

Using percentages enables you to compare different measures in a meaningful way, regardless of their absolute size. However, you can also show absolute measurements by entering the appropriate zones. For example "20000, 40000, 60000" sets 3 zones with absolute values.


For the chart types gauge, bullet, and scorecard you can also define absolute values for a target, as well as a minimum and maximum value. For example "70000, 0, 90000" defines 70000 to be the goal within a (minimum and maximum) scale between 0 and 90000.

screenshot reports kpi bullet
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