In this article:
Static selections | Dynamic selections | Filter

Selecting and filtering data

On this page we will show a number of common ways to select and filter data in reports, models, and imports.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Static selections

If you always want limit the data in a report on the same critera, you can simply enter the static value(s).

BETWEEN("2019-07", "2019-12")

screenshot account convert filter data

Dynamic (user) selections

In many cases you want to enable the user to select critera when they run a report or import. For example, the company they want to import, or the period for which they want to run a report. You can achieve that with the SELECT() function. See the detailed description of this function.

screenshot define import columns select

A special variant of this is the SELECTPERIOD() function. If you use this function in combination with the PERIODSUM() function, you can build powerful and dynamic period-discrete and year-to-date calculations with just a few clicks. See the detailed description of this function.

Filter data

To filter data in your report, or on screen, simply select a value from any of the dropdowns at the top of the screen:

screenshot filters data columns

This only filters data visibly on your screen, not in the database.

Recommended reading:
Back to top | Report selections | Import selections | Filter functions | Period functions

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