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Functions for period intelligence

These functions perform specific operations on financial periods, and return the result. You can use these to select, process, and calculate financial periods in imports, reports, or models.

All PERIOD functions are unique to XLReporting, creating functionality that does not exist in Excel.

✭ Tips:


Adds the given number of periods to a given period. If the number is negative, it will be substracted from the given period.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

ADDPERIOD(data, number, max)

data = "2019-01"
ADDPERIOD(data, 2) = "2019-03"


Returns a period relative to the period selected by the user in response to a SELECTPERIOD function, or relative to today's date.


"PER"  = this period (default)
"PREV" = previous period
"NEXT" = next period

"LY.PER"  = this period last year
"LY.PREV" = previous period last year
"LY.NEXT" = next period last year

"NOW.PER"  = today's period
"NOW.PREV" = previous period to today
"NOW.NEXT" = next period to today

"NOW.PREV.dd" = previous period to today, up until the given day
"NOW.NEXT.dd" = next period to today, beyond the given day

GETPERIOD() returns the period selected by the user.
GETPERIOD("PREV") returns the previous period based on the selection by the user.

GETPERIOD("NOW.PER") returns the period based on today's date.
GETPERIOD("NOW.PREV") returns the previous period based on today's date.
GETPERIOD("NOW.PREV.10") returns the previous period based on today's date up until the 10th day of this month. Beyond the 10th day, it will return the current period.

PERIOD ❖ XLReporting

Converts the given date to a period name (YYYY-MM) using calendar months.

In most cases, XLReporting automatically recognizes the used date format and converts text strings to dates. In some cases, if the date format is not correctly interpreted, you can set the type parameter to specify the date format.

PERIOD(data, type)

"DMY" = day-month-year
"MDY" = month-day-year
"YMD" = year-month-day
"MMY" = month as a word (e.g. Feb 2019)

data = "3-1-2019"
PERIOD(data, "DMY") = 2019-01

PERIOD445 ❖ XLReporting

Converts the given date to a period name (YYYY-MM) using a week-based accounting calendar.

XLReporting will calculate the period number by comparing the given date to the given start date of a financial year, applying the given type of week calendar. The function allows the start of financial years that fall a couple of days before or after January 1st.

Alternatively, if you pass a period name, the function will convert this to a text string with the start date and end date (YYYY-MM-DD) of that given period, separated by a comma. If you want to split the dates, you can use the SPLIT function, or use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace the comma with another delimiter (e.g. in import connectors).

PERIOD(data, start, type)

"445" = 4-4-5 periods (default)
"454" = 4-5-4 periods
"544" - 5-4-4 periods

data = "2019-01-29"
PERIOD445(data, "2019-01-01") = 2019-02
PERIOD445(data, "2018-12-31", "454") = 2019-02
PERIOD445("2019-01", "2019-01-01") = 2019-01-01,2019-01-28
PERIOD445("2019-01", "2018-12-31") = 2018-12-31,2019-01-27


Returns a friendly name for the given period.

If you set a fiscal year via the SELECTPERIOD function, the fiscal year can be included in the period name.

You can also set the starting period of a fiscal year as the type parameter to combine both years in the period name.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

PERIODNAME(data, type, max)

"Y" = fiscal year (default)
"Q" = fiscal quarter (YYYY QQ)
"P" = fiscal period (YYYY PP)
"U" = formatted period as per user profile setting
"W" = week number (YYYY WW)
"I" = week number (YYYY WW) as per ISO 8601
"M" = month name (MMM YYYY)
"L" = long month name (MMMMMM YYYY)
"C" = calendar month (without year)
"N" = period number (without year)
2-15 = fiscal year start

data = "2019-08"
PERIODNAME(data, "Y") = "2019"
PERIODNAME(data, "Q") = "2019 Q3"
PERIODNAME(data, "M") = "Aug 2019"
PERIODNAME(data, 6) = "2019/20"


Returns an array of period names starting at the given period for the given number of periods. The returned data has the same structure as a cell range or data array, which enables you to pass this data directly into a dropdown editor or other functions that expect a cell range or data array. You can optionally pass an interval (default is 1).

If you provide the optional period parameter, the function will check if that given period falls within the range of periods, and return either that period (if it exists) or an empty value (if it does not exist).

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

You can use the returned value by itself or as a condition inside an IF formula.

PERIODRANGE(data, number, interval, period, max)

PERIODRANGE("2019-01", 3) = "2019-01", "2019-02", "2019-03"
PERIODRANGE("2019-01", 3, 12) = "2019-01", "2020-01", "2021-01"
PERIODRANGE("2019-01", 3, 12, "2020-01") = "2020-01"

PERIODS ❖ XLReporting

Calculates the number of periods between the 2 given periods. You can either pass dates, periods (YYYY-MM), or years (YYYY) as parameters.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

PERIODS(data, period, max)

data = "2019-01"
PERIODS(data, "2019-03") = 2


Returns the total sum of amounts based on the given period type and the selected period.

This function requires that you also use a SELECTPERIOD function in a filter to allow the user to select a period. Both functions work together in selecting and calculating the appropriate period amounts based on the selected period.

If you use this function in a Report, the data parameter references the field for which you want the sum for the given period. If you use this function in a Model, the data parameter needs to reference a cell range or data array of multiple rows and 2 columns, of which the 1st column needs to contain the period, and the 2nd column needs to contain the amounts of which you want the sum for the given period.

If you set a fiscal year via the SELECTPERIOD function, the period sums will be adjusted accordingly.

Optionally, you can also provide a logical condition, in which case amounts are only counted if the condition is met.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

PERIODSUM(data, type, condition)

"PER"  = this period (default)
"PREV" = previous period
"NEXT" = next period
"YTD"  = year-to-date
"FY"   = full year

"OPEN" = opening balance this year (= closing balance of preceding year)
"MOV"  = movement this period
"MOVP" = movement previous period
"TOGO" = year-to-go

"LY.PER"  = this period last year
"LY.PREV" = previous period last year
"LY.NEXT" = next period last year
"LY.YTD"  = last year to date
"LY.FY"   = full last year

"LY.OPEN" = opening balance last year (= closing balance of preceding year)
"LY.MOV"  = movement this period last year
"LY.MOVP" = movement previous period last year
"LY.TOGO" = last year-to-go

"PTD"    = period-to-date (you must select a full date in SELECTPERIOD)
"LY.PTD" = period-to-date last year (you must select a full date in SELECTPERIOD)

"FR.TO"  = from to period (you must call the function as PERIODSUM(data, type, condition, from, to) and specify the from and to period either as YYYY-MM or as a number from 1 to 12 in which case XLReporting will apply the selected year)

"ROLL"   = rolling number of periods, relative to (and including) the selected period (you must call the function as PERIODSUM(data, type, condition, periods) and specify the number of periods as positive for future periods, or negative for past periods)

(assuming the selected period is 2019-03)

PERIODSUM(data, "PER") returns the sum for 2019-03
PERIODSUM(data, "YTD") returns the sum for 2019-01 to 2019-03

PERIODSUM(A2:B100, "PER") returns the sum for 2019-03

PERIODSUM(data, "YTD", Unit="100") returns the sum for 2019-01 to 2019-03 only for Unit "100"

PERIODSUM(data, "FR.TO", "", "2019-02", "2019-03") returns the sum for 2019-02 to 2019-03
PERIODSUM(data, "FR.TO", "", 2, 3) returns the sum for 2019-02 to 2019-03 assuming the selected period falls in 2019

PERIODSUM(data, "ROLL", "", 3) returns the sum for 2019-03 to 2019-05


Calculates the number of periods that the from and to periods fall within the given period range. You can either pass dates, periods (YYYY-MM), or years (YYYY) as parameters. If you omit either (or both) the from or to parameter, they will be assumed to coincide with the start respectively end of the given period range.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

PERIODSWITHIN(data, period, from, to, max)

PERIODSWITHIN("2019-01", "2019-03", "2019-02", "2019-04") = 2


Calculates the year-to-date proportion of the given amount, based on the given year-to-date period and the number of periods that the given from and to periods fall within the given year.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

PERIODYTD(data, year, period, from, to, max)

PERIODYTD(100, "2023", "2023-04", "2023-03", "2023-05") = 66.667


Prompts the user to select a period from a list of periods. This function is required, and selection is mandatory, if you want to use the PERIODSUM functions. Both functions work together to select and calculate the appropriate amounts based on the selected period. You need to place PERIODSUM on a field containing periods (YYYY-MM).

The SELECTPERIOD function can be used in different ways, from simple defaults to sophisticated logic:

Selecting the source
The source parameter can be a field in a data set (e.g. [Periods: Period]), a static list of comma-separated values (e.g. "2020-01,2020-02,2020-03"), or an expression that returns a list of values (e.g. PERIODRANGE("2020", 12).

If you use the source parameter, you can also generate a list of years (YYYY), for example using the YEARRANGE() function. This will present a list of years to the user, whilst the period amounts will be calculated as if the last month in the year (YYYY-12) had been selected.

Selecting the filter
The filter parameter must contain a field in a data set with an operator and value to match against (e.g. [Periods: Closed] = "N"). You can also use these filter functions: BETWEEN, CONTAINS, ISANY, ISBLANK, AND, OR, NOT. For more information, see filter functions.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

SELECTPERIOD(start, source, filter)

1 - 12 = the 1st month of the fiscal year (optional, 1 = default)

SELECTPERIOD() prompts the user to select a period (mandatory)
SELECTPERIOD(4) prompts the user to select a period (mandatory), with each fiscal year starting in April.
SELECTPERIOD([Periods: Period]) shows a custom list of periods, with the fiscal year starting in January.
SELECTPERIOD(PERIODRANGE(2020,12)) shows a predefined list of periods, with the fiscal year starting in January.


Returns the given period number within the year of the given period.

Optionally, if you use fiscal years that deviate from calendar years, you can pass the start month (1-12) as an optional parameter. This will automatically adjust the period that will be returned.

Instead of passing a full period (YYYY-MM), a year (YYYY), or a date in the data parameter, you can also pass a number from -2 to +2 relative to the current year based on today's date (from 2 years before the current year up to 2 years after the current year). This will return the given period in that year.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods per year.

SETPERIOD(data, period, start, max)

data = "2019-04"
SETPERIOD(data, 12) = "2019-12"
SETPERIOD(data, 12, 7) = "2019-06"
SETPERIOD(0, 5) = "2019-05"


Returns the period based on today's date, plus or minus the given number of periods (optional).


today = 10-dec-2019
THISPERIOD() = 2019-12
THISPERIOD(-6) = 2019-06

THISYEAR ❖ XLReporting

Returns the year based on today's date, plus or minus the given number of years (optional).


today = 10-dec-2019
THISYEAR() = 2019
THISYEAR(-1) = 2018

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