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Functions for financial calculations

These functions perform financial calculation on numeric values, and return the result. You can use these to make calculations in imports, reports, or models.

ACCRUE ❖ XLReporting

Returns the given value if the given period falls within the given from and to periods. Optionally, return the newvalue if the given period is beyond the newper period.

This function is useful for calculations such as (examples): applying salaries to a range of periods, or accruing revenue or expense amounts over a range of periods.

ACCRUE(value, period, from, to, newper, newvalue)

ACCRUE(1000, 4, 3, 10) = 1000

COMPOUND ❖ XLReporting

Calculates the sum of the given amount and compounded interest over that amount at the given annual interest rate over the given number of years. Interest is compounded at the end of every year.

This function is useful for simple long-term calculations using a constant interest rate. For calculations with varying rates, you can use FVSCHEDULE.

COMPOUND(data, rate, years)

COMPOUND(1000, 0.05, 4) = 1215.50625


Calculates the total depreciation amount for the given from and to period, based on the asset cost value, rest (residual value), the total number of periods, and the depreciation type. If you omit the to period, the depreciation will be calculated for the from period.

DEPRECIATE(cost, rest, periods, from, to, type)

0 = straight line (default)
1 = declining balances
2 = double declining balances

DEPRECIATE(3700, 100, 36, 1) = 100
DEPRECIATE(3700, 100, 36, 1, 12) = 1200
DEPRECIATE(3700, 100, 36, 9, 12) = 300
DEPRECIATE(3700, 100, 36, 1, 12, 1) = 1134.60


Calculates the effective annual interest rate, given the nominal annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year.

EFFECT(rate, periods)

data = 0.0585
EFFECT(data, 12) = 6


Calculates the forecasted value for the given index by analyzing the linear regression trend in the given cell range, data array, or comma-delimited list of values. The data parameter should contain a range of values. The index parameter indicates which index (e.g. period) you want to forecast. If index is higher than the number of periods in the data, the result will be the forecasted future value for that given period. If index is smaller than the number of periods in the data, the result will be the intersecting past value in that given period.

The time parameter is optional and can contain a numeric time series (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc) in a cell range, data array, or comma-delimited list of values. If not given, the time pattern is assumed to be sequential, starting at 1 with increments of 1.

FORECAST(data, index, time)

data = "10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60"
FORECAST(data, 3) = 30 (intersecting past value)
FORECAST(data, 9) = 90 (forecasted future value)
FORECAST(data, 2020, "2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015") = 110 (forecasted future value)


Calculates the future value of an investment, based on a constant interest rate. You can use FV with either periodic or constant payments, or one single payment. The payment is the periodic payment (negative) or income (positive), and value is the optional present value.

FV(rate, periods, payment, value, type)

0 = end of period (default)
1 = start of period

data = 0.06
FV(data / 12, 10, -200, -500, 1) = 2581.40


Calculates the sum of the given amount and compounded interest using a schedule of annual interest rates, one for each year. Interest is compounded at the end of every year. The rates parameter should be a cell range or data array with interest rates.

For simpler long-term calculations using a constant interest rate, you can use COMPOUND.

FVSCHEDULE(data, rates)

A1:A5 = [0.04, 0.04, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06]
FVSCHEDULE(1000, A1:A5) = 1264.01


Calculates the nominal annual interest rate, given the effective rate and the number of compounding periods per year. NOMINAL is the reverse of EFFECT.

NOMINAL(rate, periods)

data = 0.06
NOMINAL(data, 12) = 0.0585


Calculates the net present value of an investment, based on a constant interest rate and a series of future periodic payments (negative values) and/or periodic income (positive values). NPV is similar to the PV function (present value). The primary difference between PV and NPV is that NPV allows for varying periodic payments.

NPV(rate, payments, payments, ..)

data = 0.06
NPV(0.06 / 12, -200, -250, -300, 100, 90) = -556.26

PREDICT ❖ XLReporting

Calculates the predicted amount for the rest of the year, as per the given period, based on the number of periods that "from" and "to" fall within the given year. The data parameter should contain the monthly amount of the item. The period parameter indicates the reporting period, from which the prediction will be made up to the end of the year. The from and to parameters are the start and end period of a given item (e.g. a contract, subscription, recurring donation, operating expense etc).

This function is useful to forecast items that typically occur at a monthly amount, but may not actually in every month in the year.

The to parameter is optional and defaults to the end of the given year when omitted.

The sample parameter is also optional and defaults to 3 (periods) when omitted.

By default, this function assumes there are maximum 12 periods in a year (effectively calendar months within a year). You can specify the optional max parameter if you want the function to calculate with a different number of periods.

PREDICT(data, period, from, to, sample, max)

PREDICT(1000, "2019-02", "2019-01", "2019-06") returns 2666.67

Given that the item has only occurred in 2 out of the 3 past months, and 4 future months need to be predicted, the calculation is 1000 * (2 / 3) * 4 = 2666.67.

PROJECT ❖ XLReporting

Calculates the projected value for the given index by multiplying a pattern against a range of values in the given cell range or data array. The data parameter must contain a range of numeric values. The index parameter (starting at 1) indicates which index (e.g. period) you want to project. The pattern parameter must contain a range of numeric values that can be multiplied against the data range of values.

If you provide no index parameter, the function will calculate all indices against the same pattern and return the sum of the projected value of all indices.

An example use-case is a refund pattern on monthly revenues. Say, if refunds are estimated at 10% of revenue in the 1st month (of revenue), 5% in the 2nd month, and 2% in the 3rd month, then this function can be used to calculate the total refund amount in any given month based on preceding monthly revenues. In this example, the 3-month pattern will be applied to the revenue amount of every month, calculating the refund amount in a later month.

You can also include retention or attrition in the calculation, based on the first value in the data range of values, by passing a cell range or data array with cumulative percentages as the optional trend parameter. These percentages have to be 100-based, for example "0.95, 1.10, 1.05".

PROJECT(data, index, pattern, trend)

data = "1000, 2000, 1500, 3000, 5000"
PROJECT(data, 5, ".10, .05, .02") = 680 (the total refund amount in period 5 based on multiplying the refund pattern to the revenues of preceding months)


Calculates the present value of an investment, based on a constant interest rate. You can use PV with either periodic or constant payments, or a future value. The payment is the periodic payment (negative) or income (positive), and value is the optional future value.

PV(rate, periods, payment, value, type)

0 = end of period (default)
1 = start of period

data = 0.06
PV(data / 12, 10, -200, -500, 1) returns 2431.49


Calculates the equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment from present to future over the given number of periods.

RRI(periods, present, future)

RRI(12, 1000, 1100) = 0.00797

TIERED ❖ XLReporting

Calculate a tiered amount or discount, based on a series of tresholds and related percentages.

TIERED(data, level, perc, level, perc, ..)

TIERED(1000, 200, .05, 500, .1, 800, .15) = 85

Up to 200 is calculated at 5%,
between 200 and 500 is calculated at 10%,
between 500 and 800 is calculated at 15%.

TREND ❖ XLReporting

Calculates the forecasted value of a given amount by multiplying it against a pattern of amounts or percentages. The data parameter should contain the base amount. The pattern parameter must contain numbers (either absolute amounts or percentages) in the given cell range or data array that can be applied against the base amount.

If you provide the optional index parameter, the function will return the future amount as per that index. Else, it will return the last amount.

A practical example is to calculate the number of customers in the future, based on a pattern of new customers and lost customers per period.

TREND(data, pattern, index, type)

0 = percentages (default)
1 = absolute amounts

TREND(1000, "0.10, -0.20, 0.30") = 1144 (the last period)
TREND(1000, "0.10, -0.20, 0.30", 1) = 1100 (the 1st period)
TREND(1000, "100, -200, 300", 3, 1) = 1200 (absolute changes)

WEEKPLAN ❖ XLReporting

Calculates the total for the given period based on a standard pattern of numbers per day of the week, and excluding holidays.

This function is useful to forecast data that has typical and repeating weekday patterns, for example direct staff hours or sales in certain industries, such as restaurants.

The data parameter is mandatory and needs to be a cell range, data array, or comma-delimited list of values containing the pattern for each day of the week, starting at Monday. For example "10, 10, 0, 20, 20, 30, 30" indicates 10 on Mondays and Tuesday, 0 on Wednesdays, 20 on Thursday and Fridays, and 30 on Saturdays and Sundays.

The period parameter is also mandatory and is the calendar month for which you want to calculate the total.

The holidays parameter is optional and can be a cell range, data array, or comma-delimited list of values containing the calendar dates that represent holidays. Holidays must be entered as DD/MM/YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD.

The type parameter is optional and can be used to either calculate the total amount in the period excluding holidays, or the total amount in the period that falls on holidays.

WEEKPLAN(data, period, holidays, type)

0 = total excluding holidays (default)
1 = total on holidays

data = "10, 10, 0, 20, 20, 30, 30"
WEEKPLAN(data, "2019-01", "1/1/2019, 10/1/2019") = 500
WEEKPLAN(data, "2019-01", "1/1/2019, 10/1/2019", 1) = 10

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